Sica’s Lifecation

because vacations are just temporary

Scooter skid-out episode (gnarly images inside) August 30, 2010

Filed under: update,vid/pic — sicahafan @ 7:09 am
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hi guys,

As some of you have heard, I laid my bike down on Saturday night after trying to avoid (but still hitting) a dog on a straight away in my neighborhood at night. The dog ran right out in front of my bike at the last second and there wasnt much I could do…. this is a common occurrence in Thailand and 2 out of 3 dogs out here and a limp or missing limb to prove it, lol!

Anyway, so I kinda took the dogs legs out from under him and my bike and I went skidding along the crappy cheese grater pavement. I wish it was on film because as I was skidding, I literally said “Are you serious?!” as I did so, lol. Dogs around me were going crazy because of what just happened so I immediately popped up all adrenalined out and looked around to make sure I wasnt about to be attacked. Then I hobbled over to my bike, which was no longer running, and struggled to prop it back up. The sting of my injuries was starting to set in as I attempted to restart my bike. The first try I just got a very rocky sounding sputter, then I took out the key, put it back in, and tried again. This time it made the proper sound and after a little convincing it finally started. I thanked the stars, as I was far enough away that walking/crawling home didnt seem like a doable task. As I rode, I accessed the damage to my bike and to myself. My bike was decently scraped all down the side, had tweaked handle bars and brakes, and a broken front fender- and aside from dirt filled fan and muffler, the damage was pretty much cosmetic. As for me, I cursed as I looked down and felt my flop flop start to pool with blood and the sting that came along with it. My left hand, both knees, and right foot I could see were all pretty messed up, and I felt a big sting all along the outside of my right arm that I wouldnt be able to see until I found a mirror later.

At that time, I had some friends over at my house and was hosting a lil BBQ. We’d run out of refreshments and I was just taking a quick loop of the neighborhood to see if any of the local house-turned-convenience-stores were open. So as I rode back only minutes later to a bunch of (mostly drunk) friends, I didnt want everyone to freak out. Nothing was broken, and the only part that concerned me was my foot as the road rash looked deep and a bit…. hamburger esk. So I pulled up, and before even attempting to get off my bike I told everyone that nothing was broken, and to not trip out. Naturally people kinda did- “oh my god! Look at your hand! Look at your arm! Oh my god YOUR FOOT!!”

I was very lucky to have only gotten the injuries that I did, and even more lucky to have picked a time when my momma is out here stayin with me. With an entourage of good people, i was pretty much carried upstairs and into the bathtub. Cleaning out the wounds and sterilizing them was NOT fun. Mom, Torek, and Adam were particularly helpful- thank you guys!

Ok so pics 🙂

here’s just an hour or less after the fall…….

there here’s at the hospital the next day…….

(thanks for the photography skillz adam)

And then here’s today:

it hurts like a bia but the doctor put me on some pretty strong morphine…. not strong enough for the throbbing pain of trying to stand upright tho… all the blood rushing to my foot is ridiculous. And the only bit that concerns me is the lack of feeling in the area between my big toe and the hole in my foot :/

But, at least I’m in good hands- mother is nursing me back to health and making sure I’m well taken care of. Everyones been very nice and supportive out here, always offering a helping hand- thank you all.

The directors of my school stopped y today too to see how I’m doing and to tell me to please not feel any pressure about getting back to school. They told me to focus on feeling better, relaxing, and healing up properly… such good men 🙂

Anyway, just wanted to let you guys know what happened and to say I’m aight.

Love you guys,



4 Responses to “Scooter skid-out episode (gnarly images inside)”

  1. Stephen H. Says:

    You never looked better! Great play-by-play. Thanks. The BBQ and “hamburger esk” connections were especially cute and clever. Yuck! I’ve left a grip of FB comments about this already, but I keep being fascinated by it all. Bottom line, I’m glad ur still breathing. IWUWIFOMRN!

  2. Gregory J Rittger Says:

    Damn J-ski! In Cebu it was h&r on a bicycle out front of the “crash-pad”. Ya need a few more wheels or something!

  3. jimh Says:

    Fuuuuuuck. Heal up quick, sister. At least no more pins and plates were necessary, huh! Happy you are here to tell these stories…

  4. The Italian Says:

    DAMMMMMMMM FRUIT!!!!! That’s so Awesome!!!! Dude your my idol 🙂 So how is the dog? Did he or she get hurt bad? I’m really concerned about the dog. Dude and that valcano pit on your foot is crazy cool. Does it spray pus like a valcano too? lol Love you fruit don’t ever stop flying. So happy your hippie mom and the monk star were there for you.

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