Sica’s Lifecation

because vacations are just temporary

new pics! Kanchanaburi weekend getaway August 16, 2010

Filed under: travel,update,vid/pic — sicahafan @ 2:17 am
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hey all,

So I took advantage of last weeks extended weekend and took a lil journey over to Kanchanaburi- a beautiful province a few hours from home that is famous for its caves, waterfalls, and the legendary Death Railway.

In a nutshell, back in the forties during the world war, Japan had taken over Thailand and basically wanted a dependable form of land transport between Burma and Thailand, and on foot thru the mountains wasnt cutting it. They had hella POWs on lockdown in Thailand, so they sent a grip of them over there to build this railroad to connect the 2 countries. The Japanese said they’d have medical clinics set up, sufficient housing, food, they’ve have transport to their camps, etc….. FAIL. None of that went down- they had to walk over 300k to their camps, makeshift shelter with what the carried and stuff layin around, and the only medical they had was what they’d brought with them. So naturally, as they forced them thru absurd  labor, barely enough food to survive, and no legit medical attention, they died all the time. The common cold could kill them easy in the conditions they were in- let alone all the crazy tropical diseases their body had never encountered before. (BTW, i went to the museum while I was there- can you tell? lol)

Anyway, they whole thing was hella tragic, the big steel bridge was the hardest part (and was the prime target as the allies bombed it/them time and time again), and the Britts got shafted more than any of the other westerners out there.

So the bridge was cool- walked across it a bunch and snapped some shots. Also went to this rad Temple that was inside a cave at the top of a big dragon staircase. Tight.

I went there with a couchsurfer I met up with in Bangkok. He was chill most of the time….

We also met another foreign teacher from the states while we were on the bridge making jokes- she teaches in Bangkok and was hella cool, so we invited her to ride family style (3+ people on 1 scooter) with us to the cool cave temple. When we finally got to the lookout  at the top, we watched the rain come across the surrounding land like a wave, pass over us for about 15 minutes of mayhem, then return to calm. It was a rad view for sure 🙂

Anyway, here are the pics:

Unfortunately, I dont have time to do like I normally do and embed the pics into the story- I’m pickin my momma up at the airport tomorrow and I gots some last minute things to take care of prior. Plus, the momma dog that had baby puppies a few weeks ago in the office next to us went missing today…. I feed her a big bowl of lunch scraps everyday, but today, the bowl has been sitting there since morning. Unless she miraculously shows up in the next 20 minutes, I’ll be taking the 3 puppies home in a box. They barely have their eyes open and cant walk yet- I’m NOT letting them starve as it’s looking more and more like their momma may have been hit by a car or likewise 😦

Aight yall, miss you, love you, keep being you!
